Full of enterprising spirit OM SHANTI REALTERS founding member & whole time director Mr. Suresh Kumar dixit loved to venture into unknown territories with courage. He began his long journey into the direct selling industry.
His will to make it big remained undeterred despite his difficult financial condition & various set backs. A people’s person at the heart he moved inch by inch closer to realize his dreams. His initial struggling days at direct selling business not only strengthened his resolve. But also made him embark upon the mission of touching lives.
Determined to take the Indian direct selling business to recognition & respectability Mr. Suresh Kumar dixit has ambitious plans for OM SHANTI REALTERS. As part of his overseas business strategy. He plans to establish extensive network of OM SHANTI REALTERS all over the India & offer interesting business opportunities to people of diverse social & ethic backgrounds.
As we think, try to do fulfill her divine.
Mr. Harish Chandra
( Managing Director )
The young & visionary entrepreneur Mr. Harish Chandra is a man who started small dreamt big & used a combination of grit & perseverance to co-found direct selling firm OM SHANTI REALTERS Financial constraints & limited resources made him began his livelihood early but nothing could never deter him away from thinking big . He love connecting with people who have a passion for entrepreneurship self development & achieving success. He started this with the intension inspiring likeminded people to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. He has always believed that network marketing has tremendous potential in a diverse culture like India.He intends to spread a growing for the business is about relationship building & not merely trading.
A person who belives in life facts & always get success in all over fields among adverse conditions.
Mr. K.P Manav
( Manager )
He is heading the operations division at OM SHANTI REALTERS He has retired from Escort Company. Mr. Manav realized his goals with sheer determinations &will power & earned his place among the top management handling all service related grievances & complaints under his personal supervision. Mr. K.P Manav is responsible for entire network smooth functioning.
Leaders lead by examples & not merely with words.
( Motivational Speaker & Business promoter )
MR J.B. GUPTA is a senior leader, motivational speaker & business promoter at OM SHANTI REALTERS . Driven with innovative unconventional & progressive ideas. His training module driven with its entrepreneurial approach & spirit has produced the most efficient leaders for OM SHANTI REALTERS the team is undergoing continuous. Positive change under his personal guidance & dynamic leadership.
Success is not final failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.